Do You Want To Work For Disney? 5 Secrets About Life At Disneyland

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Things you never knew about Disneyland.

I think that at some point almost everyone dreams of getting a job at Disneyland. They have a strong corporate culture and are well known for the way they treat their employees.

Last month was the 56th anniversary of Disneyland in California, and to celebrate the legacy of magic and fun that the Disney theme parks represent, I thought it would be fun to share some Disney trivia with you. Some of these are well known and others are things that only hardcore Disney fans know.

So, sit back and enjoy these 5 Disneyland secrets:
  • There are human remains in the park - Especially in the Haunted Mansion. It seems that many people are obsessed with the idea of having their ashes, or the ashes of a loved one dumped in the park, most frequently inside the Haunted Mansion ride. In 1994, a former Disney employee revealed in his book that a group of tourists were actually caught sprinkling the remains of their 7 year old son inside the ride. Of course, the ride was shut down and the remains were cleaned up but it hasn't stopped other people from trying the same thing. Evidentially, there are many families who ask for permission to scatter their loved one's ashes in the park. Their requests are always turned down but that doesn't stop people from skirting the rules and trying to do it without being caught.
  • There are hundreds of cats at the park - At night, after everyone leaves the park, the park becomes home to hundreds of feral cats. The park doesn't discourage the cats, because they keep the mouse population under control. During the day, the cats hang out at several designated feeding station. The park staff frequently monitors the health of the cats and makes sure that all of their cats are spayed or nuetured. I wonder what Mickey would say about all of those cats.
  • There is a basketball court inside the Matterhorn - Disneyland's Matterhorn, one of the most iconic attraction in the park is a fast paced roller coaster ride that goes down the giant mountain. What you may not know is that inside the 147 ft mountain, there is a basketball court. Although there isn't room for a regulation court, it still is an impressive half court. The space is also used for employee lunch breaks.
  • Disney has their own shade of green - When you are at Disneyland, it's easy to get caught up in the magic and not even notice things like garbage cans, fences and employee only buildings. Believe it or not, it's not just a case of seeing what you want to see. Disney paints all of the things that they don't want people to notice a special shade called "Go Away Green". The paint color is designed to help those objects blend into the landscaping, making them easy to miss.
  • There is a VIP bar in the park - Many people have heard of this, but it's still interesting. Hidden behind a green door (probably painted Go-Away Green) in New Orleans Square is a VIP lounge called Club 33. The club was created and decorated by Walt himself and is available only to special club members. Membership in Club 33 is so exclusive that they have a waiting list about 10 years long, Once your name gets to the top, you can pay an initial membership fee of $10,000 and then annual dues of $3.500. It's worth noting that Club 33 is the only place in Disneyland where you can buy alcohol.
I hope you found these facts fun and interesting. Have you heard any other rumors or urban legends about the park?

By Melissa Kennedy- Melissa is a 9 year blog veteran and a freelance writer for ManhattanJobsBlog and Nexxt. Along with helping others find the job of their dreams, she enjoys computer geekery, raising a teenager, supporting her local library, writing about herself in the third person and working on her next novel.

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